KARTHAGO, MO, January. 03, 2008 ( BUSINESS WIRE) — die person, die their bed only used for sleep and sex please, above to stand? Anyone? Bueller…? It is more over and more over cliche a we’ve belonged - it is best to use your bed for sleep and sex and nothing otherwise. It is, not that it is one bad idea - it is fair that it doesn’t die reality our life We of play to the ideal instead of die reality communicates. Leggett and flat, foremost authorization that of America on bedlinen components, decided that it time war that die beds reflect that in our the lives straight - like we phases in them. So the fortune 500 bedlinen enormous went straight to the source - camp thresholds - and over for it asked like they use their beds. “consumers explained us they use their beds for many more, than sleep,”, say Mark Quinn, group of Executivvize president of the sales and of marketing for bedlinen division of Leggett and of flat. “the bed is a place for measured value, watching out films and spends time with kids and hears to music and even folding laundry.” Enter Starry Night(TM) Sleep technology (www.StarryNightBed.com) of Leggett and of flat, which environment first bed, to from of diagnostics and maintenance technologies to create to contain an intelligent, an intuitive and a comfortable sleep. Starry night is the equivalent of having a main theatre and sleep the hospital in the bedroom with diagnostic tools to measure and surround by of sound body movements, in order to pump the volume up. Kw_DOCTOR Understanding Sleep is there no refusing that Americans have sleep a problem. The sleepy Kw_driving kills more than 1,550 Americans each year ( National Highway road safety line). More than one study the fact that confirmed men and selects sleep over sexes Lack of sleep is frequent connected ge$$$WESEN with heart disease, - obesity, age and even cancer women. Kw_key to one rest better night begins with the Kw_understanding like you sleep. Starry night uses vibration sensor and load cell technologies, in order to measure, how much it throws a camp threshold and revolutions and as frequently they the bed during the night receives Die same vibration sensor engineering out determined and supervises rhythmic breathing samples this indicate relaxation. It compares these movements to baseline a 30-day measure of the camp threshold and places then points to improve sleep quality Silence to the order, which Part humming Saw the problem sleep that of America to the Schnarchen be pursued can, which affects approximately 90 million American adults ( National Sleep basis). Pairs, in which die Schnarcher with persons frequently under Spousal arousing - suffer, waking of your partner, which has schnarcht and it sleep, disturbed many marks during the night and having your concentration to work, which were affected negatively by die resulting fatigue. But for many pairs, the Schnarchen leads more serious consequences than fatigue and loss of the focus to far. The Schnarchen was also quoted like a prominent cause of the divorce in the studies, die outward in the United States and to be accomplished. Starry night determines the Schnarchen with refined vibration querying a system (originally develops for military the purposes) and articulates automatically sleep position seven past degrees, in order to open die nasalen passages and help decrease mildly, in order to moderate the Schnarchen. As soon as the Schnarchen diminishes, the bed decreases/goes back to its original position. If you receive die illustration to each morning, Starry night camp thresholds wake up and review their sleep sample and READ suggestions of the Starry night on a designated top monitor the good morning Screen. The good morning Screen appearance fever diagrams, die indicate chronology of the movements and the Schnarchens during the night and die history compares sleep evening yesterday also before noted sleep samples screen. After one night of bad sleep, sharpening offers Section suggestions for improving the energy of a person during the daily and receiving a better night rest the following evening on. The cold Out, the liquid created Peltier technology, die mattress Using is, can to be adjusted “preheated” or “pre cool” both the sides bed from 68 degrees to 117 degrees of Fahrenheit. It is gift too menopausal women suffering to hot lightnings and to the pairs, die never agree on the same temperature can. Except personal comfort it eliminates die necessity to heat or cool the entire house during the sleeping hours, the money saves and environment helps. Mutual Support Starry night supports comfortably die Ballerina and the Bodybuilder due to Leggett and Platts exclusive Joey(TM) coil internal-jumps system. Joey coil use-Inge-put tape-within-tape system to create comfort for each possible size of camp threshold Die external coils have a luxurioeses feeling and to react to body movements, during die interior coils the sensitive pressure are and increase, which would use their firmness in retort on amount from weight. Thus 250 pound man receives same support as 120 pound woman and they to box rest more together without the feared “Taco effect” (a mattress, die into die center because pairs roll more together and sleep in the middle in the mattress immerses). DIE DJ Starry night regales a Panoplie of the maintenance characteristics, die even die most Tech savvy savvydiskjockeys and die Theaterjunkien jealous would form. It is night club, movie theatres, concert hall, hot point and a discotheque, everything in the comfort of their own bedroom. Theatre at the round Starry night praises itself surrounded sound a system with four eight-tariff subwoofers, a audiophile Band Tweeter for extremely smooth sound and 2,500 Watts rms reinforcement. The Headboardprojektor praises itself a 1080p LCD created projector with the 6000:1 contrast relationship and 2,000 lumens. It throws a 120-inch (10-foot) screen on wall and can be used, films, books, music to navigation characteristics to project the InterNet screen the good morning and even local daily more weather. It has also DVR ability Connected and steering for those, which insist on taking the computer to the bed, supplies with to Starry night wireless InterNet Konnektivitaet and a wireless keyboard. The InterNet projected over the 120-inch screen. The bed and die electronics can screen over die Note of the good morning controlled its, or center a wireless Rf direct transmission over means Microsoft. Top, user can do it iPod set on reloading comfortably, station coupling. Energy house die Starry night praises itself 1,5 Terabyte (1,500 gigabytes) disk of the memory for nearly 400,000 song or until 2,000 hours video. Its operating system runs on a hard solid body drive for extremely fast data communication and low look for times. It offers also 4 concerts to RAM ddr2. Starry night will hit market to the half first on 2009 and retail between $20.000 and $50.000, dependent on amount the desired characteristics. Quinn says that die consumers, die products they buy is are too want, increase in value to its lives and work as strongly, as they. “it gives to be programmed cars, die park and furnaces, die to cool and cook your food. But the bed was generally a passive liveless article, “notes Quinn. “it is time that our bed stands our sleep for councellors. And if we improve our sleep, we box improve our quality of life.” Over Leggett and flatly Leggett and flat ( NYSE: LEG) is a fortune 500 varied manufacturer, that understands, sketches and produces one broad multiplicity of the implemented components and the products, die in practically each house, office to be found can, small store and automobile. Die company Serves one broad Suite of the customers, die “contain, who has, whom” United States the manufacturer and the retailer. The enterprise 125-year old is composed of 28 business units, of 31.000 employing partners and of more than 300 service, which is been appropriate for 20 in the countries more over. Leggett and flat is prominently independent manufacturer of the north of America of the following: A) Components for live furniture and bedlinen; B) Small store attachments and point the acquisition announcements; C) Components for office furniture; D) Nichtautomobilaluminium die cast parts; e) drawn steel wire; f) Automobile seat support and lumbale systems; g) Carpet document; h) adjustable beds; and i) bedlinen industrial machinery for the screen end, sewing and quilting wire. To more information please visit www.Leggett.com. SOURCE: Leggett and flat for Leggett and flat Mary Leigh Wallace, mobile 336-553-1802: 336-307-9340 or A.K. Wilkinson, mobile 336-553-1805: 336-830-9265 copyright Business Wire 2008
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